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Hover over utilities

Utility Status
  • Select your utility from (1) the map, (2) dropdown menu above, or (3) by typing in your address above
  • Utility Conservation Status shows activities and permission for given conversation status levels. The current status is highlighted. For more details, click on the link to see the full conservation plan.
  • Utility Streamflow Status shows how the stream gage conditions within the water supply watershed are relateive to history.
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu


Select a utility for more information

Utility Conservation Categories

Select a utility for conservation status

Utility Streamflow Conditions

Recent Streamflow Conditions for Selected Utility Watersheds

Surface Water Supply
  • Use the map or dropdown to select a stream gage
  • Chart shows the selected stream gage's flow over time
  • Colors in the plot match map legend to show how high or low streamflow is relateive to the 7-day rolling average of data collected from 1990-present.
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu

Select a stream gage or reservoir to see plot

Stream Chart
Demand Data
  • Select a utility from the map or dropdown above
  • Turn on years to highlight additional years and see the 7-day rolling average of water demand for the selected utility
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu

Select a utility to see water demand

Select Past Year to Highlight
chart holder
  • Use the map or dropdown to select a groundwater site
  • Change the plot to see where water levels normally are this time of year
  • Colors in the plot match map legend, and show high/low water levels relative to historic data
  • Explore the long-term trends for a particular well by observing the median well level for data collected each year
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu

Select a well from the map for more information

Groundwater Chart
  • Use the dropdown to select a water sub-basin
  • See the current and historic drought levels each week
  • Click on the link below the chart to see the official drought map and information
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu

Current Drought Status

Select a watershed sub-basin from the list above to see how drought changes over time

Historical Drought Status

chart holder

To learn more about current drought conditions, visit the US Drought Monitor of North Carolina.

  • Use the map or dropdown to select a weather site
  • Chart shows the monthly precipitation over time. Note the current month may be partial.
  • You can view our video tutorial below
  • Questions? Email us at help@climate.ncsu.edu

Select a precipitation gage from the map for more information

Select Past Year to Highlight
Precip Chart